Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Texting May Be Taking A Toll
By: Quadeira Patterson
The main idea of the article "Texting May Be Taking A Toll" by Katie Hafner is that texting is a bad influence. What I found interesting about this article is that it says " ... he found that many were routinely sending hundreds of texts everyday." This is not a surprising fact to me, but for most people it should be. I think this is a very interesting topic. This article has changed my perspective on how texting can effect us. I think texting may have played a big part in why teenagers grades are low, and why children are being distracted in school. Before i read this article, I thought that this was an uninteresting topic. This is an important topic because this is a serious situation. Parents should take phones from children before school starts and at midnight on school days. This way students will not have phones in school and will not be distracted. This article makes me wonder, will anything be done?, will this just be a continuous problem? I personaly think that its the parents fault and that they should be more aware.