Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mother, Boyfriend Charged In Death of 5-Year-Old Boy In North Philadelphia

In this article, "Mother, Boyfriend Charged in Death of 5-Year-Old Boy" it explains how 5-year-old Dashawn Harris was tortured to death. Dashawns body was found in his North Philadelphia home with cigarette and hair dryer burns. He was later pronounced dead at Hahnemann hospital. 23-year-old Lashay Patterson, Dashawns mother, and her boyfriend, 25-year-old Christian Patrick were charged with murder. Dashawn was home schooled by his mother and her boyfriend. When Patrick would get angry with Dashawn for not knowing how to write or spell a word he would beat and burn him with a hair dryer. Dashawn was not Lashays only child; she has a 3-year-old son who is in custody of his father now. The boy’s aunt had notice bruises on the boys arm and asked Lashay about it. When she did, Lashay stop allowing the boys to visit her and their father. Ladonna Frazier, Lashay's older sister, mentions that Lashay never act like this before. Lashay used to be a loving and caring mom. It was only until Christian came into her life, when she started to do drugs. I think that Lashay and Christian should spend the rest of their lives in jail.