Friday, May 31, 2013

Phila. SRC approves doomsday school budget by Martha Woodall and Melissa Chea-Annan

In this article "Phila. SRC approves doomsday school budget", by Martha Woodall and Melissa Che-Annan, Martha and Melissa talks about the meeting at the school district building that was held thursday night. Come next year, schools will open without new books, paper,clubs,counselors, liberians, assistant principals, and secretaries. This article includes quotes from the superintendent, William R. Hite Jr, who thinks that these cuts would be a catastrophic for the citys schools. In the meeting, Joseph A. Dworetzky was the only one of five commissioners to vote against the budget. "I do not believe that the administration looked hard enough to find other savings" says Hite. Something that i found interesting in this article was that there could be 3,000 layoffs including teachers. This is interesting because to me this means that schools will be out of order this year. There will be few teachers and the children will be out of control. I think that these budget cuts are a bad idea and that they should consider cutting something else. This is the worst thing the the counsol could do. I think that this has an effect on everyone.