Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene

In the article "Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene", by Ja'anai Delaney, it discusses the issue going on Syria today. This war is between the military loyalty to Syrian president Basahar al-Assad and anti- regime protest fighters. This dangerous war is causing many to fled their homes and travle to safer parts of Syria. About 2.5 million people have been affected by this war. They are in need of food, medicine, and shelter. One fact that stood out was that the Free Syrian Army consists of mostly untrained men with AK-47's, rocket launchers, and homemade bombs. While the government and Assad have access to warplanes, tanks, and other advanced weaponing. It is almost obvious that the anti-regime protest fighters have no chance in surviving this war. I think that this topic is very important because we can soon become involved. Before reading this article I thought "why do we have to read something that has nothing to do with us". Now that I have read it, it made me realized that this does have something to do with the U.S. After reading this it got me worried as well. I hope thatthe U.S does not get involved because I dont want to witness a war.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Nailla Robinson, missing 5-year-old From West Phila,.

In the article "Nailla Robinson, missing 5-year-old From West Phila., found in Upper Darby" Nelson Mandela Mayers tells the sad story of a little girl who was kidnapped. She was taken from Bryant Elementary School at about 8:50 am. Her kindnapper was wearing an all black niqab that covered her eyes. The kidnapper was told by Bryant workers to sign in the book and she could take Nailla from class. She explained to the teachers that she was taking her out for breakfast. Bryant elementary had no clue that Nailla was missing until six hours after she the fact had happened. They let a stranger walk into their building and let them take a child without even knowing. This is just why this school needs to be shut down. This is the second incident that has happened. First older kids there were touching the younger students in sexually ways, now this. When Nailla was taken out of the building she said she was blind folded. She walked a couple of blocks before she was placed inside of a house. When she arrived at the house, she said that there were two other persons there, a man and a teenage girl. After a while, Robinson was taken by the teenage girl to a park. Robinson was left there. She was heard by a man on his way to work that next morning yelling for help. She was found by a nearby park in upperdaby under bleachers. He said that she just had on a t-shirt and underwear. She was taken to the Childrens Hospital Of Philadelphia to be checked for hypothermia. Her abducter has still not been found. Somebody out there knows something and their is not a very good chance in finding her abductor unless somebody speaks up.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Philadelphia superintendent identifies schools he intends to close" by Kristen A. Graham

In this article "Philadelphia superintendent identifies schools he intends to close" talks about why closing schools is being considered. It is said that this is the largest reduction proposal. 17,000 students and 2,000 staffers will be affected by this change. After the action has taken transition thirty-seven buildings will close and that would be a saving of about $28 million. 22 elementary, 4 middle and 11 high schools would close. This would mean some schools would have to be put together. I think that is a bad idea because it would lead to nothing but more violence and it would be out of control. Hite's idea is to shut down the bad schools and move the students into better schools. He thinks that this would improve academics. I think that this could affect the good schools. The children from the bad schools could come over to the good schools and become a huge distraction. Also the closings would put a lot of staff out of work. Even though this situation has it negative effects, there are positive ones too. Giving away or selling buildings could help get money. A building like Shaw that is located in Southwest Philadelphia has only 193 students, but is able to hold 1,071 students. How could we make this move better for everyone?