Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene

In the article "Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene", by Ja'anai Delaney, it discusses the issue going on Syria today. This war is between the military loyalty to Syrian president Basahar al-Assad and anti- regime protest fighters. This dangerous war is causing many to fled their homes and travle to safer parts of Syria. About 2.5 million people have been affected by this war. They are in need of food, medicine, and shelter. One fact that stood out was that the Free Syrian Army consists of mostly untrained men with AK-47's, rocket launchers, and homemade bombs. While the government and Assad have access to warplanes, tanks, and other advanced weaponing. It is almost obvious that the anti-regime protest fighters have no chance in surviving this war. I think that this topic is very important because we can soon become involved. Before reading this article I thought "why do we have to read something that has nothing to do with us". Now that I have read it, it made me realized that this does have something to do with the U.S. After reading this it got me worried as well. I hope thatthe U.S does not get involved because I dont want to witness a war.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the anti-regime fighters would have a very good chance of success if we helped them. That is why this is a hard decision. Do you think the US should ever risk troops to help another country's people? 90
