Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Attentioon Disorder or Not, Pills To Help In School

This article "Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School" starts off by introducing the medicine called Adderall. Aderall is a power medicine that a doctor name Michael Anderson prescibes to his low-income patients that are struggling in school.
The medicine Adderall is a pill. The pill helps children with ADHD. ADHD which stands for attention deflict hyperactivity disorder. Dr.Anderson thinks that this disorder is made up and that it is just an explanation to give it to problem children to improve their focusing in school.
Students who recieve A's and B's are not prescibed to take Adderall. The pill has been a relief to most parents. But experts see the pill as little harm. Why is the Adderall going to children who struggle with their academic, when it is for patients with ADHD? Other experts accailm the treatment, but still worry about the syptoms that might come along, such as phychotic episodes.
ADHD patients have gotten higher and are steady for more than 10 years. Children are depending on the medication to boost their academic. This is bad because it will drag into their adult life. A child name Quitn began taking adderall for almost five years now. When he hit to the age of about 10, he started to imagine things.Quitn was seeing things, people and hearing things and people.
The pill has its positive and negative effects. The children are still developing the medication. experts still do not know how, and if the medication is affecting the brain.

1 comment:

  1. This is better because you do a more thorough job explaining the article and highlighting some of the details. You still need to explain your opinions in more depth. 85
