Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Will Climate Change Get Some Respect Now?

Will Climate Change Get Some Respect Now ?
By: Nicholas D. Kristof
In this article, it explains how the climate is changing and nobody wants to talk about it. Hurrican Sandy has now helped that issue and has people talking.
This article is also saying that it does not take one storm to cause climate change, so why has the climate changed?
Scientist are saying that we could have hurricans like Sandy more often due to rising carbon emmisions. People should prepare thereselves for this action.
Hurricans come about from when the ocean is warm. People believe that humans created climate change.
Hurricans arent going to come more often, but when they come they will come stronger. The intensity of these storms are likely to expand in this century.
Flooding will occur more because of the climate change. Climate change adds moisture to the atomosphere.
Democrats have been careless about this issue. Republicans have been even more carless about it.

1 comment:

  1. You've done some good work summarizing and including details from the article, but you don't have enough of your own opinions and commentary. See parts 3 and 4 of the blog post format for examples of what I am looking for.
