Friday, February 1, 2013

Give LAnce another Chance

In the article "Give Lance another Chance" CNN questions veiwers on wheather or not they think Lance Armstrong deserves a second chance. Armstrong admitted to his use of performance enhancing drugs on his upcoming interveiw with Oprah Whinfrey. Armstrong's accomplishment, which are recovering from cancer and then breaking records in the cycling world made him an idole. Viewers had heard rumors about hiim cheating. Nobody wanted to believe it. Armstrong did not just tell a little lie. Armstrong has been leading on his fans for a decade. Lance became famous because he spoke to the public about being human. Should he now be speaking to the public about living a lie? One question that is yet to be answered. What are we giving Armstrong another chance to do? A quote that stood out to me from this article was "Chance to do what? Cheat in seven more tours? Lie about it seven more times? Bully seven more teammates into droping? He behaved badly and is rightyly censured". This quote stood out to me because it asked every question i wanted to ask. I think that this topic has no need for. It shouldnt even be a consideration about giving him a second chance.

1 comment:

  1. So why do you feel the way you do about cheating? Should we never forgive those that cheat? Have you ever cheated? Have you known people to cheat to get ahead?

    Does not his work for charity mean something?

    This is a bit short. 80
