Friday, March 8, 2013

Is It Ok If I Dont Get A Flu Shot: Chuck Klosterman: Choice Blog

In this article "Is It Okay If I Dont Get A Flu Shot?", by Chuck Klosterman, Klosterman talks about if you should be obligated to get the flu shot. Klosterman thinks that you should get a flu shot. It is stated in this article that it is more socially responsible and more ethical to get the flu shot, but it is not ,mandatory. Somethiing that I found intersting in this article was though not getting a flu shot could affect other people, the outcome of getting the flu shot may not be that different. I found that this statement was interesting because this means that getting a flu shot is worthless. I think that it is okay if you dont get a flu shot. If you get a flu shot, doesnt it just put the virus into you? I heard that when you get the shot, you WILL catch the flu, but you will never get it again. But what if I never was going to catch the flu?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Is Foot Ball Just Too Dangerous: Buzz Bissinger & Scott HallenBeck: Choice Blog

In this article, "Is Football Just Too Dangerouse", by Buzz Bissinger, Buzz talks about the dangers of playing football. Concerns are rising about head injuries, most likely for the younger players. Buzz speaks on a brain disease called CTE. CTE, which stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, is cause by repeated concussions. CTE has a long term effect. Something that I found interesting in this article was "Research indicates that the younger someone begins playing football, the more prone they are to concussions, because their bodies and brains are not fully formed. I found this interesting because this could change the minds of young people who want to play football. The mind of parents who have sons that would like to be football players. It could hold back someones career. Parents have to now make a decision if they want their kids playing this sport. They have to choose between their child being harmed or their child being upset because they cant play. I think that this sport is dangerous. I also think that these dangers could be prevented as well. I think that some of the rules of football should be changed. Something that will make it a little safer.

Historically Incorrect Canoodling: Stephanie Coontz

In this article "Historically Incorrect Canoodling", by Stephanie Coonzt, Coontz talks about how today, Moderen Americans have departed sex, loce, and marriage into different categories. The article states that it is only on valentines day that we are reminded of how romantic we can be. Love, passion, and marraige were once considered an undesirable combination. This was not only on valentines day. Valentines day came about by the Roman Catholic church. This holiday was suppose to put a limit on sexual passion. I personally think that we have separated sex, love, and marriage as well. Today, in modern America, we can have sex with having a meaning for it. We will do it with anyone just to get that feeling. A complete stranger. Meaningless sex. You can do it with someone without being inlove with them. Also today people get married because they think have falling inlove. Maybe thay are just in the moment? Maybe this is why there are so many divorces. I dont think that moderen Americans could ever go back to having love, passion, and marriage being an undesiable combination again.