Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Historically Incorrect Canoodling: Stephanie Coontz

In this article "Historically Incorrect Canoodling", by Stephanie Coonzt, Coontz talks about how today, Moderen Americans have departed sex, loce, and marriage into different categories. The article states that it is only on valentines day that we are reminded of how romantic we can be. Love, passion, and marraige were once considered an undesirable combination. This was not only on valentines day. Valentines day came about by the Roman Catholic church. This holiday was suppose to put a limit on sexual passion. I personally think that we have separated sex, love, and marriage as well. Today, in modern America, we can have sex with having a meaning for it. We will do it with anyone just to get that feeling. A complete stranger. Meaningless sex. You can do it with someone without being inlove with them. Also today people get married because they think have falling inlove. Maybe thay are just in the moment? Maybe this is why there are so many divorces. I dont think that moderen Americans could ever go back to having love, passion, and marriage being an undesiable combination again.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, you have missed the main point of the article. Coontz argues that people THINK we have separated love and sex from marriage, but in actuality we expect more from our marriages than ever. So what do you think about the difficulty of combining love and marriage and the high rates of divorce? Do you expect to get married? If so, what do you expect your relationship to be like? If not, why not?

    Also, you need to write at least 250 words. 65
