Friday, April 19, 2013

Korean War Part 2? by Choe Sang- Hun

In the article "Korean War Part 2?", by Choe Sang-Hun, Sang-Hun talks about the tensions rising on the North Korea peninsula. North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, has risen the threat of a military confrontation. North Korea has threatened to launch a "pre-emptive nuclear strike" against South Korea and the United States. I think that this war that is about to be created is meaning less and stupid. I think the Kim Jong just wants to show North Korea that he is "powerful" and "unafraid". I do not think that either countries, the United States, South Korea, or North Korea could afford to go to war right now. We should go over to North Korea and talk things over with him. This could be a very dangerous war because nuclear weapons are involved. I think the United states should also get prepared though. If Kim Jong is serious we need to be aware and ready.

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