Friday, April 19, 2013

Sisters In Arm by James Dao

In the article "Sisters in Arms" by James Dao, Dao talks about a change that will lift the long- standing ban on women in combat. This means that women will start being able to join the combat. Some people think that this is a great change and other think that this is not such a great idea. It is said that this is one of the most significant military personnel shifts since President Harry Truman's 1948 executive order to integrate the armed forces. This article includes a story about Staff Sgt. Stacy Pearsall's experience during her second deployment to Iraq. In the story it tells about her bravery and how she did just what a man in the combat would do. One thing that I found interesting in this article was when the article mentioned that women might have not had the physical strength to perform tasks required of some combat soldiers, such as walking for miles, wearing heavy armor and carrying packs that can weigh 100 pounds. I found this interesting because I think that they are doubting women. Some women are stronger than men. I agree with the change that women should be allowed in combat because it is not fair for women.

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