Friday, April 19, 2013

Time For A Raise? By Patricia Smith

In this article "Time For A Raise?", by Patricia Smith, Smith talks about how President Obama wants to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 dollars an hour. The federal minimum would be raised in stages, reaching $9 an hour by the end of 2015. This article includes statements from a 10th grader that attends Martin County High School in Stuart, Florida. She says that her salary is $7.79 an hour. She works 20 to 25 hours a week and still struggles to pay her gas, car insurance, and her phone bill. This means that she is not making enough. I think that it is a good idea to boost it to $9 an hour. I do not think that you should be working so many hours and getting paid so little. Something I found interesting in this article is when it said "Their hourly rate may go up, but their number of hours may come down, so their is not an overall increase". I found this interesting because either way they will still not be making enough to support their selves. When the price goes up the hours go down.

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