Friday, May 31, 2013

Phila. SRC approves doomsday school budget by Martha Woodall and Melissa Chea-Annan

In this article "Phila. SRC approves doomsday school budget", by Martha Woodall and Melissa Che-Annan, Martha and Melissa talks about the meeting at the school district building that was held thursday night. Come next year, schools will open without new books, paper,clubs,counselors, liberians, assistant principals, and secretaries. This article includes quotes from the superintendent, William R. Hite Jr, who thinks that these cuts would be a catastrophic for the citys schools. In the meeting, Joseph A. Dworetzky was the only one of five commissioners to vote against the budget. "I do not believe that the administration looked hard enough to find other savings" says Hite. Something that i found interesting in this article was that there could be 3,000 layoffs including teachers. This is interesting because to me this means that schools will be out of order this year. There will be few teachers and the children will be out of control. I think that these budget cuts are a bad idea and that they should consider cutting something else. This is the worst thing the the counsol could do. I think that this has an effect on everyone.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Time For A Raise? By Patricia Smith

In this article "Time For A Raise?", by Patricia Smith, Smith talks about how President Obama wants to increase the federal minimum wage to $9 dollars an hour. The federal minimum would be raised in stages, reaching $9 an hour by the end of 2015. This article includes statements from a 10th grader that attends Martin County High School in Stuart, Florida. She says that her salary is $7.79 an hour. She works 20 to 25 hours a week and still struggles to pay her gas, car insurance, and her phone bill. This means that she is not making enough. I think that it is a good idea to boost it to $9 an hour. I do not think that you should be working so many hours and getting paid so little. Something I found interesting in this article is when it said "Their hourly rate may go up, but their number of hours may come down, so their is not an overall increase". I found this interesting because either way they will still not be making enough to support their selves. When the price goes up the hours go down.

Korean War Part 2? by Choe Sang- Hun

In the article "Korean War Part 2?", by Choe Sang-Hun, Sang-Hun talks about the tensions rising on the North Korea peninsula. North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Un, has risen the threat of a military confrontation. North Korea has threatened to launch a "pre-emptive nuclear strike" against South Korea and the United States. I think that this war that is about to be created is meaning less and stupid. I think the Kim Jong just wants to show North Korea that he is "powerful" and "unafraid". I do not think that either countries, the United States, South Korea, or North Korea could afford to go to war right now. We should go over to North Korea and talk things over with him. This could be a very dangerous war because nuclear weapons are involved. I think the United states should also get prepared though. If Kim Jong is serious we need to be aware and ready.

Sisters In Arm by James Dao

In the article "Sisters in Arms" by James Dao, Dao talks about a change that will lift the long- standing ban on women in combat. This means that women will start being able to join the combat. Some people think that this is a great change and other think that this is not such a great idea. It is said that this is one of the most significant military personnel shifts since President Harry Truman's 1948 executive order to integrate the armed forces. This article includes a story about Staff Sgt. Stacy Pearsall's experience during her second deployment to Iraq. In the story it tells about her bravery and how she did just what a man in the combat would do. One thing that I found interesting in this article was when the article mentioned that women might have not had the physical strength to perform tasks required of some combat soldiers, such as walking for miles, wearing heavy armor and carrying packs that can weigh 100 pounds. I found this interesting because I think that they are doubting women. Some women are stronger than men. I agree with the change that women should be allowed in combat because it is not fair for women.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Found Poem - A Cold Case of Cold-Blooded Murder- Sheila Weller

Quadeira Patterson Journalism Found Poem April 12, 2013 Cold Case File My name is Robin Samsoe. I am 11-years-old. It was a hot day in July. A hot day in July when… When I was killed. Around this time police knew about my death. My bones were found on the ground. My mother would never see my again. Investigators found my killer, But he was not charged with my death. He had been charged with the murder of another little girl. And another. But my case, Will remain a Cold Case File A Cold Case of Cold-Blooded Murder: By Sheila Weller

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Slaughter of the African Elephants By Samantha Strindberg and Fiona Maisels

In the article "Slaughter of the African Elephants" by Samantha Strindberg and Fiona Maisels, Maisels and Strindberg talk about the killings of elephants that is going on in the African forest. This article includes reasearch from a study. The research that the study has collected was "A staggering 62 percent vanished from central Africa between 2002 and 2011.... We have just published with 60 other scientists in the journal PLoS One". This was one of the biggest search studies ever performed in the central Africa forest. One fcat in this article that i found interesting in this article was that they were killing these animals because they wanted to use their tusk. "An elephants tusk have become bling for consumers who have no idea or simply dont care that it was obtained by inflicting terror, horrendous pain and death on thinking, feeling, sel-aware beings". I believe that this is very wrong and that this should be against the law. I think that they xould at least wait until an elephants death, by nature, to take their tusk.

Lil Wayne, an Epileptic, Has Seizures Often, But Last One Almost Killed Him By Marc Hogan - Choice Blog

In the article "Lil Wayne, an Epileptic. Has Seizures Often, But Last One Almost Killed Him" by Marc Hogan, Marc talks about the "Best Rapper Alive", Lil Wayne's, recent seizures. Lil Wayne has suffered from MANY MANY seizure, but three in a row was a first from him. This article includes quotes from Lil Wayne also know as Tunechi himself. Hogan also gets quotes from the TMZ. One fact that stood out to me in this article was "But this time it got real bad cause i had three of them in a row and on the third one, my heart rate went down to like 30 percent". This was a quote from Lil Wayne. I found this quote interesting because he was so close to dieing. He had three in a row. He is very lucky to be living today. Before reading this article there was alot of talk on why Lil Wayne suffered from the seizures. There was say that all the drugs that he is taking was the cause. After reading this I do not believe that. I believe this because he said himself that he is an epileptic and that he is prone to seizures.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Is It Ok If I Dont Get A Flu Shot: Chuck Klosterman: Choice Blog

In this article "Is It Okay If I Dont Get A Flu Shot?", by Chuck Klosterman, Klosterman talks about if you should be obligated to get the flu shot. Klosterman thinks that you should get a flu shot. It is stated in this article that it is more socially responsible and more ethical to get the flu shot, but it is not ,mandatory. Somethiing that I found intersting in this article was though not getting a flu shot could affect other people, the outcome of getting the flu shot may not be that different. I found that this statement was interesting because this means that getting a flu shot is worthless. I think that it is okay if you dont get a flu shot. If you get a flu shot, doesnt it just put the virus into you? I heard that when you get the shot, you WILL catch the flu, but you will never get it again. But what if I never was going to catch the flu?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Is Foot Ball Just Too Dangerous: Buzz Bissinger & Scott HallenBeck: Choice Blog

In this article, "Is Football Just Too Dangerouse", by Buzz Bissinger, Buzz talks about the dangers of playing football. Concerns are rising about head injuries, most likely for the younger players. Buzz speaks on a brain disease called CTE. CTE, which stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, is cause by repeated concussions. CTE has a long term effect. Something that I found interesting in this article was "Research indicates that the younger someone begins playing football, the more prone they are to concussions, because their bodies and brains are not fully formed. I found this interesting because this could change the minds of young people who want to play football. The mind of parents who have sons that would like to be football players. It could hold back someones career. Parents have to now make a decision if they want their kids playing this sport. They have to choose between their child being harmed or their child being upset because they cant play. I think that this sport is dangerous. I also think that these dangers could be prevented as well. I think that some of the rules of football should be changed. Something that will make it a little safer.

Historically Incorrect Canoodling: Stephanie Coontz

In this article "Historically Incorrect Canoodling", by Stephanie Coonzt, Coontz talks about how today, Moderen Americans have departed sex, loce, and marriage into different categories. The article states that it is only on valentines day that we are reminded of how romantic we can be. Love, passion, and marraige were once considered an undesirable combination. This was not only on valentines day. Valentines day came about by the Roman Catholic church. This holiday was suppose to put a limit on sexual passion. I personally think that we have separated sex, love, and marriage as well. Today, in modern America, we can have sex with having a meaning for it. We will do it with anyone just to get that feeling. A complete stranger. Meaningless sex. You can do it with someone without being inlove with them. Also today people get married because they think have falling inlove. Maybe thay are just in the moment? Maybe this is why there are so many divorces. I dont think that moderen Americans could ever go back to having love, passion, and marriage being an undesiable combination again.

Friday, February 1, 2013

All Work No Play. Why Your Kids Are More Anxious, Depressed

In th "All Work No Play; Why Your Kids Are More Anxious, Depressed" by Esther Entin, Entin talks about how childrens play time has been constantly declining. This may be keeping the children from becoming into confident adults. The lack of play that these children are recieving may and can affect emotional development. It can lead to depression and anxiety. One fact that stood out to me in this article was "mothers were asked to compare their own memories of their playtime to their childrens current schedules. 85% noted that their children played out doors less frequently and for shorter period of times than they did". This shows that playtime has been shortened. But why? I think that this topic could be discussed more. This article has changed my perspective because I have always thought that less recess would lead  to troubles. Possible solutions to prevent kids from havinga disturbed adulthood is to expand their playtime. I think that children should have at least 40 mins to have playtime.

Marijuana law just creates Criminals

In this article "Marijuana law just creates Criminals", by Hakeem Jeffries, Hakeem speaks on the issue of marijuana use. More than 50,000 people in 2011 were arrested in New York City for carring little amounts of marijuana. The majority of them were either black or latino. This article states that over the last decade, arrest for marijuana has skyrocketed. Marijuana is the No.1 arrest in New York City. One fact that stood out to me in this article was the law that changed in 1977. This law stated that if marijuana had remained in the persons pocket, posession would not be a crime at all. Only if a police officer was to request a check on that person. Even if that person hadnt even commited a crime, officers would call in a request. They would be arrested. 85% of the peole arrested were balck and latino. This is an unfair act. Not many people pay attention to this topic. It is a very intersting topic to me now. After reading this I notice that there is about 10 times more people getting arrested for the posession of marijuana than I thought.

Give LAnce another Chance

In the article "Give Lance another Chance" CNN questions veiwers on wheather or not they think Lance Armstrong deserves a second chance. Armstrong admitted to his use of performance enhancing drugs on his upcoming interveiw with Oprah Whinfrey. Armstrong's accomplishment, which are recovering from cancer and then breaking records in the cycling world made him an idole. Viewers had heard rumors about hiim cheating. Nobody wanted to believe it. Armstrong did not just tell a little lie. Armstrong has been leading on his fans for a decade. Lance became famous because he spoke to the public about being human. Should he now be speaking to the public about living a lie? One question that is yet to be answered. What are we giving Armstrong another chance to do? A quote that stood out to me from this article was "Chance to do what? Cheat in seven more tours? Lie about it seven more times? Bully seven more teammates into droping? He behaved badly and is rightyly censured". This quote stood out to me because it asked every question i wanted to ask. I think that this topic has no need for. It shouldnt even be a consideration about giving him a second chance.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene

In the article "Civil War In Syria Raises Questions About When To Intervene", by Ja'anai Delaney, it discusses the issue going on Syria today. This war is between the military loyalty to Syrian president Basahar al-Assad and anti- regime protest fighters. This dangerous war is causing many to fled their homes and travle to safer parts of Syria. About 2.5 million people have been affected by this war. They are in need of food, medicine, and shelter. One fact that stood out was that the Free Syrian Army consists of mostly untrained men with AK-47's, rocket launchers, and homemade bombs. While the government and Assad have access to warplanes, tanks, and other advanced weaponing. It is almost obvious that the anti-regime protest fighters have no chance in surviving this war. I think that this topic is very important because we can soon become involved. Before reading this article I thought "why do we have to read something that has nothing to do with us". Now that I have read it, it made me realized that this does have something to do with the U.S. After reading this it got me worried as well. I hope thatthe U.S does not get involved because I dont want to witness a war.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Nailla Robinson, missing 5-year-old From West Phila,.

In the article "Nailla Robinson, missing 5-year-old From West Phila., found in Upper Darby" Nelson Mandela Mayers tells the sad story of a little girl who was kidnapped. She was taken from Bryant Elementary School at about 8:50 am. Her kindnapper was wearing an all black niqab that covered her eyes. The kidnapper was told by Bryant workers to sign in the book and she could take Nailla from class. She explained to the teachers that she was taking her out for breakfast. Bryant elementary had no clue that Nailla was missing until six hours after she the fact had happened. They let a stranger walk into their building and let them take a child without even knowing. This is just why this school needs to be shut down. This is the second incident that has happened. First older kids there were touching the younger students in sexually ways, now this. When Nailla was taken out of the building she said she was blind folded. She walked a couple of blocks before she was placed inside of a house. When she arrived at the house, she said that there were two other persons there, a man and a teenage girl. After a while, Robinson was taken by the teenage girl to a park. Robinson was left there. She was heard by a man on his way to work that next morning yelling for help. She was found by a nearby park in upperdaby under bleachers. He said that she just had on a t-shirt and underwear. She was taken to the Childrens Hospital Of Philadelphia to be checked for hypothermia. Her abducter has still not been found. Somebody out there knows something and their is not a very good chance in finding her abductor unless somebody speaks up.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

"Philadelphia superintendent identifies schools he intends to close" by Kristen A. Graham

In this article "Philadelphia superintendent identifies schools he intends to close" talks about why closing schools is being considered. It is said that this is the largest reduction proposal. 17,000 students and 2,000 staffers will be affected by this change. After the action has taken transition thirty-seven buildings will close and that would be a saving of about $28 million. 22 elementary, 4 middle and 11 high schools would close. This would mean some schools would have to be put together. I think that is a bad idea because it would lead to nothing but more violence and it would be out of control. Hite's idea is to shut down the bad schools and move the students into better schools. He thinks that this would improve academics. I think that this could affect the good schools. The children from the bad schools could come over to the good schools and become a huge distraction. Also the closings would put a lot of staff out of work. Even though this situation has it negative effects, there are positive ones too. Giving away or selling buildings could help get money. A building like Shaw that is located in Southwest Philadelphia has only 193 students, but is able to hold 1,071 students. How could we make this move better for everyone?